Monday, April 24, 2017

Luck is not a factor it’s a connection of dots

Many of us have believed that there is something called “Luck” matters when all their endeavors failed. Especially the people who never wanted themselves to be fully involved in the process of hard work, smart work, started to blame the very extreme word “Luck”. They simply believe that they were not successful only because of the “Luck” factor has not worked for them. Many of us also have gone through such an experience when we started to believe that the “Luck” factor is something that is governing us. Why because it has the strong belief system in continuum action since few of our generations.

In recent decades, we started to believe that by working hard and giving the 100 percent of our effort to that work and even if we are failed, we assume that the 90% which was I worked for and the 10% which was the “Luck” factor and wasn’t worked for me to reach the ladder of success. Here what we still believed is the “Luck” that matters in anything at anywhere in the world.

 I would like to make this very clear that there is not “Luck” that matters or that makes transformation. I believe in dots that matters the most, it is the time that connects the dots and when the all dots get connected the way it is essential, you will have been reached to the desired goal. You shouldn’t believe the “Luck”. Instead you should work with your fullest involvement, the dots will be connected definitely.

Your 100% or beyond 100% involvement in any work or in anything that you work for will attract the dots to connect automatically, for this course the universe will work for you. There may be the short or long timeframe to meet your desired goal, as it will depend on how much you are involved into the entire process with your determined attempt. See, here is no miracle of connection of dots but the one who is true to the self and have the power of intelligent to attract the chosen goal with extreme attempt, also have the capability to connect the dots.

The whole life we are just connecting the dots of success, dots of failure. Many times, we blame the outer world for our failure and are not looking into our inner world for the roots of failure. The dots neither rise nor disappear, they are already there just attempt and attempt and it will connect for you.

To get the dots connected just be magnet with powerful desire, powerful passion and powerful attempt.

Monday, April 17, 2017

God Within

Your ignorance of consciousness  with yourself is the limitations of your own belief system. That thing is really lamented of what one is not knowing of the tremendous capacity he/she is carrying within. 

You just need to look into your inner consciousness and thinking the way the God is you and or the very you are a form of God and or the cosmos is you and or the universe is within you and you. This way of one's thinking will make the entire universal energy to start sustain within you. 

You will be happy and happy to each and every moment of life, no matter what happens with you, whether the bad or good you will just sustain all these miseries, happiness into just one universe within you. You will become limitless, timeless and formless by your conscious state of mind. Whatever good or bad you will imagine will attract towards you undoubtedly. Just to be there with your fullest form and see the miracles that just start exploring within and outside of you.

I am saying be the God, be the universe or be the cosmos is the same that is the fullest form of infinite energy which can be achieved through the visualization and or imagination of one's mind.
Practically speaking you just start to imagine what you wanted  to become with fullest form of one's consciousness.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Time the absolute changer of everything

Time is something that is not in our control, what we do all our lifetime is somehow trying to match or adjust with it.
It is the dogma of humans that they are having some kind of control over time, but time is so continuum in nature, it’s neither controlled nor stopped anymore, it has its own capacity to change the beautiful into aged, the child into man, the plant into tree and so on.
 What we must understand is, we can only live in the presence and not in past or future which is just the illusion of mind and nothing else. What is real is now, the moment we live is now and not the past or future that is all illusory part of our mind. 
Life never starts and never ends, it is already there with continuous form, the difference is our body comes and goes. The conscious state of existence is birth and the no conscious state of existence is death. Humans are driving their all endeavor to achieve the goals like car, bungalow, property etc. All their efforts are working in their own time zone, the time zone is different for all, nobody achieve the success at the same time.
 Everyone has their own time given to work hard or smart to achieve or achieve not the materialistic world, it is the race against time for everyone. Time never wait for anybody until he/she reach their target. Just live in now and start now what you really want in life. 

Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Have you opened up the various dimensions of life, or have you opened up the pity creation of life. It is up to you, as you already have more than enough intelligence within you to inhale oxygen in the air and not by chance the carbon dioxide, isn't it, yes it is.
There are many windows of well being, prosperity, and the pity as well, depending upon what your selection and or choice when it comes to you to decide which window should be opened to facilitate the various dimensions of life.

 Yes there are possibilities of achievement of such powers thru such windows, you will be confused as I said here the window, the term window is used for the nature's mysterious form of energy which is already there. 

Just unfold it's various dimensions, you will achieve what you want in life undoubtedly........

Money or Time?

Do we really asked a question to ourselves that what we really want from the outer world, for which we are crushing our soul and slaving to it's endeavour to achieve the wealth to that level to let the money starts working for you and you will be free to enjoy your life. 

Does it not mean that our search is for free time in the life and not the excessive money. Can't we change the situation if we smartly start working to free the time and also earn the money without any excursion. 

The problem is we are working for money, this way we are becoming slave to earn the money, imagine if the money will start working for you without your physical involvement, yes it's possible just you need to understand the difference between asset and liability. 

Once you understand the basic difference and you will start to invest in the asset that will be your passive income and it will definitely makes you free from being physically available for earning the money....

Power of Thinking Prosperity

It is not a award, nor it is a reward will decide who you really are, sometimes you need no materialistic gift to prove your superb performance ever ever created. 

You must stick to your ideas, your imagination with enthusiasm, you don't know when  you will become the magnet to attract such prosperity beyond your imagination. 

Just do it, and inhale every breathe as to how you are breathing the prosperity and all well-being, this way the blissful and joyfulness will all become yours...


Your ideas of every kind of boundary is only fix by the memory that you carry but there is an intelligence within you where there is no memory if you touch that dimension of intelligence then this longing to expand will disappear in you because you found unbrill access to the cosmos, in yogic term it is said that if you touch your chitta (intelligence) then god will become your slave.

What is Life…?

What is Life…? Life is… reading books, learning new skills, listening music, watching movies, travelling places, doing smart job, doing ha...