Thursday, April 6, 2017

Time the absolute changer of everything

Time is something that is not in our control, what we do all our lifetime is somehow trying to match or adjust with it.
It is the dogma of humans that they are having some kind of control over time, but time is so continuum in nature, it’s neither controlled nor stopped anymore, it has its own capacity to change the beautiful into aged, the child into man, the plant into tree and so on.
 What we must understand is, we can only live in the presence and not in past or future which is just the illusion of mind and nothing else. What is real is now, the moment we live is now and not the past or future that is all illusory part of our mind. 
Life never starts and never ends, it is already there with continuous form, the difference is our body comes and goes. The conscious state of existence is birth and the no conscious state of existence is death. Humans are driving their all endeavor to achieve the goals like car, bungalow, property etc. All their efforts are working in their own time zone, the time zone is different for all, nobody achieve the success at the same time.
 Everyone has their own time given to work hard or smart to achieve or achieve not the materialistic world, it is the race against time for everyone. Time never wait for anybody until he/she reach their target. Just live in now and start now what you really want in life. 

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